The Problem


Hard to map what they need to who can provide it


Need to buy a full suite when just want one answer and expect to spend less than 1k.

Portfolio planning dashboard

Don’t want to get bothered with all procurement admin.


Don’t want to add another platform to the many they need to work with already.

Especially if senior management is already used to a specific platform

The 5th reason is budget

  • The yearly budget is consumed.
  • Don’t manage to secure enough (lack of manager buy-in).
  • Just got a budget cut.

In our experience, the budget and interest exist in the organization.

Organizations are just too big and complex to realize the value

If they do overcome these hurdles, the preference would then go for data that can be integrated with their existing ways of working

The solution

Timely, seemlessly, and organic value proposition integration into the sponsorship journey

  • Daily/weekly interaction with PNet and having the understanding that PNet is the “Google for sponsorship”
  • User either has a new challenge or the curiosity gets triggered by navigating PNet.
    There are no hurdles to satisfy that curiosity.
    The “Google of sponsorship” becomes the “Amazon of sponsorship”.

  • User buys in PNet and sales are passed through to the partner.
  • User buys from partner directly.
  • Partner releases the data purchased to PNet so that the user can benefit from the UX that brought them to purchase in first instance

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